Web Development

Shopify: How to find orders containing bundles in Shopify Flow?

If you want to find orders containing bundles in Shopify Flow and send an internal email, you can use the following steps. Go to Shopify Flow page on your store. Create a new flow. Select Trigger: Shopify > Start when: Order Created. Then + Add an action: Flow > For each item in order.lineItems. Then + Add a condition: Check if Line item group title not empty and exists. Then + Add an action: Send an internal email.

Hugo: Dynamic Image Rendering with URL Replacement

If you want to use Hugo to dynamically render images with URL replacement and lazy loading, here is the code. {{ $card__show_image := .Params.show_image }} {{ $cardImageURL := "" }} {{ if and (eq $card__show_image "true") (.Params.images) }} {{ with .Params.images }} {{ range $image := . | first 1 }} {{ $cardImageURL = replaceRE "(=w|s)(2400|1600)" "$1360" $image }} {{ end }} {{ end }} <img src="{{ $cardImageURL | absURL }}" alt="{{ .

Shopify: How to Hide a Product, Page or Post from Search?

If you want to hide a product, page or post (item) from search or seo, here are steps. Go to Custom Data page on store Add a new definition with name SEO Visibility Change Namespace and key as ‘seo.hidden’ Add Integer type with one value and validations (min: 0, max: 1). Activate Storefront access. Then go to item and set SEO Visibility metafield value as 1. Done ✅ After these steps, Shopify will add this code to setted product / page / post etc.